
Development in progress
Medha home screen screenshot
Medha tutor details screen screenshot

What is Medha?

Medha is a platform that connects tutors to students, intended for the Bangladeshi markets. The service is meant to be free to use. Tutors can create profiles with their information (such as name, preferred locations, subjects etc). The platform supports ID and education institution verification. Students can contact tutors through in-app chat or phone/email if the tutor enables that option.

Tech stack

Server: made with Express backed by a primary MongoDB database and a Redis cache

Client (iOS and Android): developed with React Native (Expo)

Completed features

  • Token-based authentication. Uses JWT tokens for short lived access keys and refresh keys are stored in Redis
  • Student and tutor registration with permissions system
  • Tutor KYC verification and approval system
  • Tutor search

Planned features

  • SSO
  • Email and SMS APIs
  • Tutor ranking algorithm - ideas drafted but not yet implemented
  • Chat

Designed and developed by Samin Rahman. All rights reserved.