I am Samin.

I am a full stack developer doing a Bachelor of Science with a Computer Science major at the University of Melbourne. This website compiles a few of my personal projects and professional experiences.

Self Portrait



A platform to connect tutors to students

Medha screenshot on phone


A platform to connect blood donors with patients

Roktodan screenshot on phone

Work Experience


A software firm I interned at. Worked on the Laravel backend and Nuxt JS frontend of a Web3 discovery platform

Techynaf Logo

MBI Deep Dives

A finance blog. Developed the initial Wordpress and integrated payments

MBI Deep Dives Logo

The Capsule

A bite-sized newsletter platform targeted towards South Asians with over 7000 subscribers. Was the Tech Lead and a founding member

The Capsule Logo

Designed and developed by Samin Rahman. All rights reserved.